Showroom Training

Barista Skills - Foundation

An introduction to making great coffee. Suitable for those new to the coffee world and those wanting to improve skills and knowledge.

Barista Skills - Advanced

A step-up from being a novice Barista. Suitable for those who have an understanding of making coffee and want to further increase their knowledge of the coffee industry and sharpen their Barista skills.

Barista Skills - Latte ARt

Every barista at some point wants to either learn how to, or up their Latte Art game. This barista skills course will dive deep into how to achieve great latte art consistently whether it be at home or for loyal customers.

Beginner To Barista - Full Course

A more in-depth overview of the coffee world. Covering all the key areas in the process of making coffee to a better standard. Suitable for multiple people and those who seek a more complete understanding of coffee.

Home Brewing

A way to broaden your knowledge on the many ways to brew coffee. Learn how to make delicious brews both fit for home and for improving your barista coffee compass.

What is "Showroom Training"?

Showroom training is a specialised barista training programme held at our state-of-the-art showroom, using the coffee machines we supply. This barista course offers practical, hands-on experience in a professional setting, ensuring participants master the operation and maintenance of equipment. Our showroom features various courses, including Barista Skills Foundation, Advanced Barista Skills, and Latte Art. Each course is designed to enhance technical abilities and prepare baristas to deliver exceptional service.

What are the benefits?

Showroom training offers significant benefits for both aspiring baristas and café owners. Firstly, it provides hands-on experience with the coffee machines that will be used in professional settings. This practical training ensures that participants are well-versed in the operation and maintenance of the equipment, leading to increased efficiency and proficiency.

Additionally, the immersive nature of showroom training builds confidence in participants. By practicing in a real-world environment, baristas can refine their skills and techniques, ultimately enhancing the quality of the beverages they produce. This comprehensive training also covers various aspects of barista work, such as latte art and advanced coffee brewing methods, ensuring a well-rounded skill set.

Moreover, the training conducted in our state-of-the-art showroom allows participants to receive personalised instruction and immediate feedback from experienced trainers. This focused attention helps identify and correct mistakes promptly, leading to faster learning and skill improvement. Overall, showroom training equips baristas with the knowledge and expertise necessary to deliver exceptional service and high-quality coffee to customers.


Nice training.

Solly March Footie Boy

I am the trainer. I am the creator. Watch what I do. Follow what I do. Be like me.

Dom Bodle Head of Coffee

Nice training.

Solly March Footie Boy